The purpose of this day is to recognize the great contributions of philanthropy—and those people active in the philanthropic community—to the enrichment of our world.
The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more for the betterment of life.
Do you have a desire to make a positive difference in the world but don’t feel you can because you aren’t rich or famous? You don’t need to be rich or famous to make a difference in the world everyday.
Philanthropy is defined as “love to mankind; benevolence toward the whole human family; universal good will; desire and readiness to do good to all men “.
So, an everyday philanthropist is someone who gives unselfishly toward the good of humanity.
Many people, like yourself, have created wealth through their own ingenuity and efforts and have the greatest interest in integrating into their lives the things they are the most interested in.
An increasing number of wealth holders are no longer focusing exclusively on accumulating more wealth. They are beginning to look at using wealth as a tool to achieve higher purposes.
Philanthropy is more central to their lives. They wish to offer their creative skills as much to their giving as they have to their professions or businesses.
Giving has never given people so much.
We human beings are complex, beautiful, unique creatures. Our individual life experiences make up a collection of memories, perceptions, patterns, and emotions. There is no formula for determining why we do the things we do. Which is in part why modern-day philanthropy offers a wealth of creative, new ways to think about estate planning and strategic giving.
People become interested in strategies of generosity when they believe that their gifts will impact the cause they believe in, they trust the organizations leadership, and have assets to give.
Philanthropists are special people who want to make social capital investments (strategic philanthropy) in the most effective way possible. Their social capital investment decisions are consistent with their values and objectives.
Philanthropists need to be guided to make the right gift, at the right time, to the causes of their choice.
The decision as to which vehicle to use is personal and should be decided with the help of an expert in the field, consultants like M Bacal Group. There is nothing more satisfying in strategic philanthropy then when people, purpose and plan come together.